Monday, 6 July 2009

Multiple Diagnoses for Diabetes

That poor girl has been through a lot. How are her spirits? Can you do things that will give her a "jump start" in that area? Is she able to go out in public? Is there anything she enjoys seeing? That may be an encourager. Verbal prompts help sometimes. Set things up for her for grooming then slowly and gradually start her doing it herself. You could do some grooming together like hair, teeth, deodorant, dressing appropriately, etc. Ask her opinions on things you intend to wear.

Actually, engage her in expressing herself verbally as much as she is able. You didn't mention the level of involvement the leukemia has on her right now. I think it would be extremely hard to work through something that you know is fatal. Perhaps she needs counseling. and if it gets down to terminal, consider hospice to help you. They do a wonderful job. Good luck. Let her know you care deeply about her no matter what the outcome of her illness.

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