Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Early Detection Breast Cancer with Treatment Center

Breast cancer can be treated effectively if it is detected early enough. Some 95 percent of breast cancer patients were found by their own when he notices a lump. In some countries women have been conscious to be examined if there is a breast lump. With the knowledge of breast cancer increased the breast cancer can be detected early and are likely to be cured before spreading to other body parts. Therefore in the cities there was a clinic or hospital that can detect early breast cancer.

The cure rate for breast cancer can be increased if all the women made a routine of monthly self-exam, and then consult with your doctor immediately if they find the least indication of the material or bruised. Lumps as the most tame, but the most important of which can be identified violent without delay. Almost every town has a breast cancer treatment center that will provide services for patients and the diagnosis of various breast cancer treatment option them...read more
READ MORE - Early Detection Breast Cancer with Treatment Center

List of Drugs Recommended for Tackling Breast Cancer

Ways to treat cancer can be done with the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. But not all people affected by cancer in this breast cancer therapy as you want to do over because people fear the side effects that occur. Therefore health experts trying to search for cancer drugs, among others. Promising new method to provide a focus on anticancer drugs that are appropriate for cancer and improve immune system to fend off cancer. There is a list of drugs for breast cancer, each with its own pros and drug cons. Anticancer drugs have unpleasant side effects because most of the target all the cells divide rapidly, including the normal.

Side effects including nausea, vomiting, and loss of hair. X-rays also have side effects because their bodies go through the kill healthy cells that are located on the road with the cancer cells. Fortunately, now there are a number of lists of drugs for breast cancer. Each is tailored to the patient's severity. Type of drug that will make the patient different from other breast cancer patients because each person is different...read more
READ MORE - List of Drugs Recommended for Tackling Breast Cancer

Monday, 30 March 2009


READ MORE - article

Sunday, 29 March 2009

New Treatment Options For Breast Cancer Patients

Although surgery is the most effective (and therefore the most widely used) breast cancer treatment method, there are several other ways of coping with the disease, some are more powerful than others. They include radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy, each with its own assets and disadvantages.

Most of them, however, are used in combination with surgery for best effects, either prior to, in order to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery, to remove any remaining cancer cells. For a better understanding of these alternative methods of treatment for breast cancer, let's take a closer look at each one, explaining how and in what cases might be helpful...more
READ MORE - New Treatment Options For Breast Cancer Patients

Curcumin and Breast Cancer - Research Has Shown Some Promising Results

Curcumin and breast cancer is an area of research that has been undertaken in the last 10 or so years. Interest in neutraceuticals has grown phenomenally by scientists around the world as they have discovered just how potent some of the properties of spices and other foods can be.

Disease protection

The two groups of people that immediately spring to mind are the French and their prevention against heart conditions, even though they ate a high fat diet, that in part has been put down to resveratrol and the low incidence of Alzheimer's disease among the Indian nation that has been put down to turmeric, specifically curcumin.

Among the clinical studies that have been carried out to discover the efficacy of its phytochemical properties is work on mice in relation to breast cancer...more
READ MORE - Curcumin and Breast Cancer - Research Has Shown Some Promising Results

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Human Papilloma Virus, Causes Uterus Neck Cancer

Neck cancer is a type of womb cancer is the most include in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is the second country in the world-after China-which has a uterus neck cancer most. While cancer is often called the mouth of womb cancer include cancer that is easily detected in early and can be prevented / treated before developing further.

Almost all (99%), uterus neck cancer is caused by infection of human papilloma virus (HPV). Human papilloma virus infection is something that is very easy going. An estimated three-quarters of the people to have sex, men and women, experience.

No different with influenza, most HPV infections can heal itself, so that people did not realize it. Only a small portion of HPV infections become chronic infection, and develop into cancer. Hmm ... it seems interesting that we also acquaintance with the human papilloma virus Smile

You never see a wart? Nodule-nodule in the skin of the bubble shapes such as flowers cabbage? That's one of the "impressions" of human papilloma virus (papilloma = pimple / wart). Human papilloma virus type more than 100 types, each given a number to distinguish one type of the other types. 60 species of which causes wart-wart skin that is not dangerous. The rest is mukosal HPV types, namely only the mucous membrane, such as that found in the mouth, throat, the tip of the penis, vagina, womb, neck, and rectum. Type mukosal also called genital HPV, because the most frequently attacked area is sex. There are a cause growth in the vagina or penis, a disease commonly called "chicken comb", the HPV types 6 and 11, but this will not become cancer.

That can cause cancer is genital HPV types 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, and 58. More than 70% of uterus neck cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18. In addition to the uterus neck cancer, HPV can also cause cancer anus, vagina, vulva, penis, esophagus and even cancer.

The virus is spread primarily through sex, including anal sex, oral sex, sex and hand. Most of them were infected at the age of 15-30 years, ie within a period of four years after the first sexual relationship. People infected with genital HPV usually does not know he was infected, as this infection does not cause symptoms at all (except for cause "comb chicken"), and soon the body's immune system attacks the virus that is dead or so weak-not active.

lesi pre cancer
Lesi pre uterus neck cancer
Until now human papilloma virus infection has not yet been treated, but the body's defense system that can both cure 90% of them within 2 years. The rest remain active, or there but not active. The virus is not active this can still be infectious to other people, at times more active (if the body's resistance decreased), or change the cells into the womb neck pre cancer cells, which for many years and can become cancer.
READ MORE - Human Papilloma Virus, Causes Uterus Neck Cancer

Full Stage Breast Self Examination: View, Squeeze, Palpate, Palpate Oxter

Will be better prepared if a special note book to record your examination results, as well as conditions and changes in your breasts from time to time. When you need to complete with illustrations to clarify the image location aberration found.

Complete breast self examination is divided into several stages:

1. View
Do not use the top of the clothes. Stand in front of the mirror with the second depending arm loose, in the light of the room. Watch your breast:

* What is the shape and size right and left symmetrical?
* What shapes up / set?
* What is the direction putingnya straight ahead? Or change direction?
* Is interested in the hilt?
* What stalk / skin abrasions that have?
* Does the skin appear reddish? Kebiruan? Black?
* Does the skin look thick with broad pore-pore (such as orange peel)?
* Is the surface of the skin smooth, not the contraction / basin?

Repeat all the above observation with the position of both hands straight up. When finished, repeat again with both hands observed in the waist, chest drawn up, both drawn to the back of the elbow. All observations aimed to know the tumor is located close to the skin.

2. Squeeze
With both hands, massage the breast from the soft edge to the hilt, to have to know the case out of the fluid nipple (should not have, unless you're breastfeeding).

3. Palpate
Now sleep in the recumbent on the bed to check the breast one by one. To check the left breast, place a thin pillow under the left shoulder, left arm are in the open top on the side of the head or placed under the head.

Use the fourth finger of right hand to palpate breast meetings. Palpation performed with the movement to play (such as making small circles), from the edge to the breast nipple. After that slide the position next to the little finger, and do more movement from the edge to play until the breast nipple. Do continue sequentially until the entire breast is examined. To facilitate movement, you can use a lotion or soap.

Movement can also play from the nipple, the width of a circle to the edge breast or vertically up and down from the left edge to the far right edge. It is important, the entire breast area must be thoroughly palpate, no that does not handle.

Note that each movement must be made to play with the strength of the pressure is different, with at least three kinds of pressure. First done with light pressure to feel the benjolan near the skin surface, the second with medium pressure to feel the benjolan in the middle of the network breast, the third with pressure strong enough to feel the bumps in the breast base, near the sternum / rib.

Once finished with the left breast, move pillow and arm position, perform a breast examination on the right using the left hand fourth finger.

Then repeat the palpability as 3 points, but in standing position. To make things easier, while a bath can be done, when the body washed with soap.

4. Palpate oxter
Then grapple armpit and the area around the breast to determine the existence of a gravel suspected child sebar cancer.

When in breast self examination, you find a deviation (eg, gravel, small any), check to see a doctor immediately. Do not be afraid and do not delay anymore. Because breast cancer is found in the early stages and treated properly can recover completely!..more
READ MORE - Full Stage Breast Self Examination: View, Squeeze, Palpate, Palpate Oxter

Best Time to Check The Condition of Breast

Breast have the parts (the environment) be touched if you feel different. Quite to the top side (near the armpit) tend to have a large clump-clotted. The bottom of the breast feels like a carpet of sand or gravel. Are below the nipple feels like a set of seeds is large. Sometimes there is also a lump resembling a bowl. This situation can be different for each woman.

At the initial stage, will be enough to help if you create a "map breast environment," compared to the examination from month to month.

The most important is how the taste of your own breast conditions. Is there something that feels different than the environment? For example, in the area "big lump" feels a little benjolan of green beans? Or in the area "overlay sand" feel there "gravel" is quite large? Or have changes in breast condition compared to the previous examination? That can be detected with all check their own breasts.

Sulitkah perform breast self examination is? Not at all. Should be done a week after menstruasi, when the condition of breast and soft loose, making it easier for palpability. For women who are experiencing menopause may be done at any time, the routine of every month.

Will be better prepared if a special note book to record your examination results, as well as conditions and changes in your breasts from time to time. When you need to complete with illustrations to clarify the image location aberration found.
READ MORE - Best Time to Check The Condition of Breast

Awareness to Make Early Detection Breast Cancer

Number of people with breast cancer in India ranks second after the uterus neck cancer. People with breast cancer also have a new age of 18 years. While in other countries, Europe or the United States, for example, the number of people with breast cancer not so much compared with the number of people with other types of cancer. Why?

This is because in these countries to conduct awareness early detection is well developed. Most breast cancer is found early in the stadium, so it can be treated and cured. We are in the country, most cases of cancer found in the advanced stages, when cure is difficult.

In fact, to detect breast cancer early stages is very easy, and can be done alone at home. Quite a few minutes, once a month, by performing breast self examination.

Indeed, there are no women who want to do breast self examination. Because it can appear so intimidating shadow, "what if I really find benjolan?". Or maybe find "something" that does not understand what it means.

However, the more often you check your breasts, you will be known, and increasingly easy to find something wrong, if any. However, breast self examination is an important part of health care, which can protect you from the risk of breast cancer...more
READ MORE - Awareness to Make Early Detection Breast Cancer

Friday, 27 March 2009

Actions Taken to Prevent Colon Cancer

Globally, cancer is a type of colon cancer tersering from all cancers. In the United States, this type of cancer ranks third tersering type of cancer in men and women, and the number 2 position as a cause of death due to cancer tersering. In Indonesia, this cancer is one type of cancer that is often found and included in the 10 major cancer tersering.

Colon cancer (kolorektal) is a cancer that can be prevented and cured if found in the early stages. More than 90% of patients have this disease terdiagnosis life expectancy more than 5 years. Tips berikur presented are taken from various research results in humans with the aim to prevent this type of cancer.

Before, let's find out the occurrence of colon cancer in this brief. As the occurrence of cancer in general, initially caused by a mutation genes (the smallest cells mengkode making a protein). As a result polyp arising in the bowel wall. Polyp is a benign lesi and many people who have a polyp on the wall ususnya and does not become cancer. Estimated at 5%, which will develop into cancer. Thus, the strategy colon cancer prevention is to avoid factors spark mutation genes and to find out, and remove the polyp early may.

From a variety of research, is now known that the things you can do to prevent colon cancer, namely:
1. Fibrous foods with enough.
Consume as much as 30 g fiber / day terbukti precipitation can reduce the risk of colon cancer of 40% compared to people who only consume 12 g fiber / day. The adequacy of the amount of fiber can be obtained from the portion 8 consume vegetables and fruit, and from wholemeal bread.
2. Reduce consumption of red meat
People who consume lots of red meat (eg, beef, goat, etc.) or processed meat over 160 g / day (2 portions or more) will have increased risk of colon cancer as much as 35% compared to people who only consume less than 1 portion per sunday. Red meat consumption associated with the N-nitroso compound in fases that can trigger the occurrence of colon cancer. Reverse the red meat / processed meat, fish consumption may reduce risk. To reduce the consumption of red meat, experts recommend consuming poultry meat (chicken, duck, etc.) and fish
3. Avoiding Obesity
In addition to risk factors for coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes, also known Obesity is a risk factor for colon cancer, so it is recommended to reduce the weight of which has more weight. Exercise regularly is a way to lose weight either, because olehraga routine terbukti also useful to prevent colon cancer.
4. Avoid inhale cigarette smoke
Smoke cigarettes and other tobacco products have been proven to increase the risk of very different types of cancer, including colon cancer. People who smoke more have a polyp developing into cancer in the colon. Results of a study showed an increase of more than 100% risk in smokers compared to people who do not smoke. So, Avoid risk factors that is most easily avoided.
5. Avoid consumption of beverages berakohol
In addition to damage the liver, also berakohol beverage consumption associated with increased risk of colon cancer.

Some of the symptoms of colon cancer include: changes in the pattern of Clear Air (BAB), mainly feses clear more than 6 sunday. Other symptoms are bleeding from the anus, can be mixed dengen feses or not. Routine screening examination to detect early colon cancer is the examination of blood in feses blind and can proceed with kolonoskopi. Consult with your doctor to get this screening examination instructions.
READ MORE - Actions Taken to Prevent Colon Cancer

Monday, 23 March 2009

Cara menghindari Kanker Otak

KANKER otak adalah penyakit berbahaya yang sangat mematikan. Selain mematikan, pengobatannya pun menelan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk menghindari penyakit tersebut, berikut ini sejumlah langkah-langkah untuk mencegah penyakit ini:

1. Kalau Anda mengalami gejala-gejala, seperti sering sakit kepala yang hilang timbul, atau tidak hilang-hilang, muntah-muntah tanpa sebab, penurunan penglihatan yang tidak dapat dikoreksi dengan kacamata, kelemahan anggota gerak secara bertahap, berjalan limbung, gejala layaknya vertigo atau sempoyongan, maka segera lakukan pemeriksaan diri dan dianjurkan melakukan pemeriksaan MRI.
2. Jangan biarkan stres berat menyerang terus-menerus, sempatkan waktu beristirahat, dan lakukan refreshing yang dapat mengurangi dan menghilangkan stres Anda.
3. Batasi radiasi langsung yang terlalu berlebihan pada tubuh, lebih baik gunakan hansfree bila menggunakan telepon seluler dalam waktu lama.
4. Terapkan pola makan sehat dengan gizi yang seimbang, misalnya memperbanyak konsumsi buah-buahan, sayur, dan biji-bijian. Ditambah membatasi diri mengonsumsi lemak.
5. Kurangi konsumsi makanan yang diasap, dibakar dan diawetkan dengat nitrit, maupun zat-zat kimiawi buatan lainnya.
6. Sudah saatnya Anda menghentikan konsumsi alkohol dan rokok.
7. Lakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara teratur. Apalagi kalau Anda mempunyai riwayat keluarga penderita kanker otak.
8. Jangan mengkonsumsi obat-obatan tertentu sebelum mendapat resep rujukan dokter. Kesalahan penggunaan obat dapat merangsang perkembangan sel kanker.
9. Lakukan olahraga secara teratur dan pada porsi yang cukup.
10. Mulai sekarang biasakan mengaplikasikan gaya hidup sehat. Jangan terbawa arus gaya hidup “menghanyutkan”.
READ MORE - Cara menghindari Kanker Otak

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Pencegahan Awal Kanker Payudara

Pencegahan awal

Perlu untuk diketahui, bahwa 9 di antara 10 wanita menemukan adanya benjolan di payudaranya. Untuk pencegahan awal, dapat dilakukan sendiri. Sebaiknya pemeriksaan dilakukan sehabis selesai masa menstruasi. Sebelum menstruasi, payudara agak membengkak sehingga menyulitkan pemeriksaan. Cara pemeriksaan adalah sebagai berikut :

* Berdirilah di depan cermin dan perhatikan apakah ada kelainan pada payudara. Biasanya kedua payudara tidak sama, putingnya juga tidak terletak pada ketinggian yang sama. Perhatikan apakah terdapat keriput, lekukan, atau puting susu tertarik ke dalam. Bila terdapat kelainan itu atau keluar cairan atau darah dari puting susu, segeralah pergi ke dokter.
* Letakkan kedua lengan di atas kepala dan perhatikan kembali kedua payudara.
* Bungkukkan badan hingga payudara tergantung ke bawah, dan periksa lagi.
* Berbaringlah di tempat tidur dan letakkan tangan kiri di belakang kepala, dan sebuah bantal di bawah bahu kiri. Rabalah payudara kiri dengan telapak jari-jari kanan. Periksalah apakah ada benjolan pada payudara. Kemudian periksa juga apakah ada benjolan atau pembengkakan pada ketiak kiri.
* Periksa dan rabalah puting susu dan sekitarnya. Pada umumnya kelenjar susu bila diraba dengan telapak jari-jari tangan akan terasa kenyal dan mudah digerakkan. Bila ada tumor, maka akan terasa keras dan tidak dapat digerakkan (tidak dapat dipindahkan dari tempatnya). Bila terasa ada sebuah benjolan sebesar 1 cm atau lebih, segeralah pergi ke dokter. Makin dini penanganan, semakin besar kemungkinan untuk sembuh secara sempurna
* Lakukan hal yang sama untuk payudara dan ketiak kanan.
READ MORE - Pencegahan Awal Kanker Payudara

Perkembangan Kanker Payudara Setiap Stadium

Perkembangan kanker

Stadium I (stadium dini)

Besarnya tumor tidak lebih dari 2 - 2,25 cm, dan tidak terdapat penyebaran (metastase) pada kelenjar getah bening ketiak. Pada stadium I ini, kemungkinan penyembuhan secara sempurna adalah 70 %. Untuk memeriksa ada atau tidak metastase ke bagian tubuh yang lain, harus diperiksa di laboratorium.

Stadium II

Tumor sudah lebih besar dari 2,25 cm dan sudah terjadi metastase pada kelenjar getah bening di ketiak. Pada stadium ini, kemungkinan untuk sembuh hanya 30 - 40 % tergantung dari luasnya penyebaran sel kanker. Pada stadium I dan II biasanya dilakukan operasi untuk mengangkat sel-sel kanker yang ada pada seluruh bagian penyebaran, dan setelah operasi dilakukan penyinaran untuk memastikan tidak ada lagi sel-sel kanker yang tertinggal.

Stadium III

Tumor sudah cukup besar, sel kanker telah menyebar ke seluruh tubuh, dan kemungkinan untuk sembuh tinggal sedikit. Pengobatan payudara sudah tidak ada artinya lagi. Biasanya pengobatan hanya dilakukan penyinaran dan chemotherapie (pemberian obat yang dapat membunuh sel kanker). Kadang-kadang juga dilakukan operasi untuk mengangkat bagian payudara yang sudah parah. Usaha ini hanya untuk menghambat proses perkembangan sel kanker dalam tubuh serta untuk meringankan penderitaan penderita semaksimal mungkin...baca lengkapnya
READ MORE - Perkembangan Kanker Payudara Setiap Stadium

Kanker Payudara: Bagaimana kanker payudara menyebar

Bila pada suatu tempat di badan kita terdapat pertumbuhan sel-sel yang berlebihan, maka akan terjadi suatu benjolan atau tumor. Tumor ini dapat bersifat jinak maupun ganas. Tumor yang ganas inilah yang disebut dengan kanker. Tumor ganas mempunyai sifat yang khas, yaitu dapat menyebar luas ke bagian lain di seluruh tubuh untuk berkembang menjadi tumor yang baru. Penyebaran ini disebut metastase. Kanker mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang tumbuh secara cepat, ada yang tumbuh tidak terlalu cepat, seperti kanker payudara.

Sel kanker payudara yang pertama dapat tumbuh menjadi tumor sebesar 1 cm pada waktu 8-12 tahun. Sel kanker tersebut diam pada kelenjar payudara. Sel-sel kanker payudara ini dapat menyebar melalui aliran darah ke seluruh tubuh. Kapan penyebaran itu berlangsung, kita tidak tahu. Sel kanker payudara dapat bersembunyi di dalam tubuh kita selama bertahun-tahun tanpa kita ketahui, dan tiba-tiba aktif menjadi tumor ganas atau kanker...baca lengkap
READ MORE - Kanker Payudara: Bagaimana kanker payudara menyebar