Neck cancer is a type of womb cancer is the most include in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is the second country in the world-after China-which has a uterus neck cancer most. While cancer is often called the mouth of womb cancer include cancer that is easily detected in early and can be prevented / treated before developing further.
Almost all (99%), uterus neck cancer is caused by infection of human papilloma virus (HPV). Human papilloma virus infection is something that is very easy going. An estimated three-quarters of the people to have sex, men and women, experience.
No different with influenza, most HPV infections can heal itself, so that people did not realize it. Only a small portion of HPV infections become chronic infection, and develop into cancer. Hmm ... it seems interesting that we also acquaintance with the human papilloma virus Smile
You never see a wart? Nodule-nodule in the skin of the bubble shapes such as flowers cabbage? That's one of the "impressions" of human papilloma virus (papilloma = pimple / wart). Human papilloma virus type more than 100 types, each given a number to distinguish one type of the other types. 60 species of which causes wart-wart skin that is not dangerous. The rest is mukosal HPV types, namely only the mucous membrane, such as that found in the mouth, throat, the tip of the penis, vagina, womb, neck, and rectum. Type mukosal also called genital HPV, because the most frequently attacked area is sex. There are a cause growth in the vagina or penis, a disease commonly called "chicken comb", the HPV types 6 and 11, but this will not become cancer.
That can cause cancer is genital HPV types 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, and 58. More than 70% of uterus neck cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18. In addition to the uterus neck cancer, HPV can also cause cancer anus, vagina, vulva, penis, esophagus and even cancer.
The virus is spread primarily through sex, including anal sex, oral sex, sex and hand. Most of them were infected at the age of 15-30 years, ie within a period of four years after the first sexual relationship. People infected with genital HPV usually does not know he was infected, as this infection does not cause symptoms at all (except for cause "comb chicken"), and soon the body's immune system attacks the virus that is dead or so weak-not active.
lesi pre cancer
Lesi pre uterus neck cancer
Until now human papilloma virus infection has not yet been treated, but the body's defense system that can both cure 90% of them within 2 years. The rest remain active, or there but not active. The virus is not active this can still be infectious to other people, at times more active (if the body's resistance decreased), or change the cells into the womb neck pre cancer cells, which for many years and can become cancer.
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