Monday, 27 July 2009

Viruses H1N1

The answer is Yes, in three ways, that is not part of why you are asking the question. Everyone, but especially diabetics should be prepared, but most are not because they are not doing the better things for their diabetes. They don't eat & drink right, exercise and take the needed supplements, instead many depend mainly or only on their medication. As a diabetic, if you are doing all the right things, it can be a time when you are healthier than you have ever been, setting aside the complications of the actual disease. What we should be more concerned about is the consequences of the

1. drugs they will want to give us
2. our own personal immune support
3. the law

In the quest for more profits, we are being told half-truths about the flu viruses and the possible protection and cures that a flu or anti flu inoculation can accomplish, without telling us all of the consequences of said drugs. It is possible, but not probable that they can actually make an anti virus drug that will work and not cause our bodies harm in the short and long term. There are many things being added to these drugs that can cause great harm, some actually can harm how the immune system works. There are natural antiviral things that work better than most of their medicines they give us. Tamiflu originated in nature naturally... and then they got to mess with it, ppatent it, to the point it is no longer what it once was, and is becoming less effective. There are many natural anti virus things like, elderberry that we can take, that is very inexpensive. Epicor, cost more, has been proven to work as a cold and viral preventive supplement for the immune system. By building up our immune system, through eating correctly, exercise, supplements, and some common sense in washing and not being overly exposed in public gatherings, you can build a good defense against most viruses and colds.

If you happen to get the flu which most of us have had at least once in our lives, that is not necessarily a bad thing, for that is how our body builds up recognition and resistance to viruses. However, here again we need to understand that our body actually causes a fever as a natural protection against the virus. The virus cannot replicate in a body temperature above 102. So a fever can be good, as long as it does not go too high for too long. Don't take aspirin when you first contact the flu. By the body raising its temperature it slows down the progression of the virus, giving the bodies immune system time to attack the virus. I keep some specific things for the onslaught of the flu if I get it. MGC- Mushroom complex; N-Acetyl Cysteine 600 mg.; Elderberry syrup to help with the respiratory system.

What's really should be concerning is that all of the alarmists, supported and or controlled by the drug industry, have influenced and manipulated our government and legal system to the point that they are moving fast to making it mandatory to take whatever they want to give us to prevent a so-called global pandemic. They don't even know what a global pandemic is anymore. They are also making laws not to protect us, but the drug companies, so they don't even have to run test or trials and we cannot sue them for their malfeasance. Our laws are to protect us, and the system is being mislead to believe that a flu shot is the only way they can protect us. If it was, I would be the first in line, but it isn't in my view and each of us should be responsible for their own bodies and do the research and make up our own minds and not be dictated by mass hysteria and laws that know little about taking care of the human body, excepts what large corporations tell them.

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