Monday, 29 June 2009

BS numbers and Meds question in metformin or metformin XR

I was DX'd in Feb of this year and have been working on getting my numbers in an optimal range. After about 3 weeks I did ok for a week or two then my numbers were higher (130-190 range for the most part).Last week I got a new bottle of metformin and my numbers have been in a much better range (109-121) pretty much immediately. Pick up the phone on Monday AM and ask the pharmacist if they switched suppliers on you. By law, the active ingredient in metformin or metformin XR has to be the same as in the original Glucophage or Glucophage XR. But the various generic metformin manufacturers are allowed to play around with the so-called inert or inactive ingredients, which can definitely affect absorption rate, etc. This is one of the drawbacks of using the cheaper generic brands-- the pharmacists can fill your prescription with whatever generic brand they want, and switch you up at any time.

If you like this one they gave you and want to continue it, just ask the pharmacist to always supply you with that particular generic-- AFAIK, any generic brand can be special ordered for anyone at the pharmacy's request, as long as it's still being manufactured. If there's been no change in supplier, maybe your old supply had been contaminated or changed somehow (heat, moisture, etc) or was simply past its expiration date. Great info to know! Thank you so much for replying to me. I definitely know something has changed and it wasn't me. I am still seeing awesome numbers and it makes me feel good because I have struggled so much these last several weeks trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Never crossed my mind it could be the meds. Do they have to document which manufacturer they filled your Rx with each time it's filled? Thanks again!

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