Thursday, 30 July 2009

Viruses H1N1 (EpiCor)

This past year my daughter has just gone back to teacher as a sub, and I gave her elderberry and a good multi-vitamin that includes COQ10 to take, because she is prone to easily getting sick. COQ10 is excellent for the heart. She has gotten through the year with only minor sore throats, mainly from sinus drainage. I will also be giving her and our two grandchildren EpiCor, since they are special needs children with lower immune response. One who is now 9 appears to have a mitochondria disease. COQ10 and L-Carnitine are keep supplements for the mitochondria and cell support.

1 comment:

  1. Rahmadi: Very interested in your experience with EpiCor and your daughter's and grandkids' immune health. Glad to see that you appear to be having a good experience.

    Best regards,
    Craig Maltby
    Editorial Manager (EpiCor blog)
