Saturday, 18 July 2009

This is Personal was: "kickbacks" to docs from drug companies?

Well, this discussion could go on forever without ever coming to a concensus. We all have had varing and different relationships with doctors and we all have seen some shady practitioners. That doen't mean every doctor is shady or every doctor is wonderful.

The deal is that we as individuals must, if at all possible, find a care provider that we can have an open communication flow with, that we trust and respect and they trust and respect us, that we can establish a good working relationship with and that we can feel secure that the care provider is doing their best for us. It is up to us to find this person, not the other way round. And, it is up to us to move on if and when we feel otherwise. It's personal and you may find the care provider that I "fire' to be a great fit for you. You just can't lump doctors together and declare them "good" or "bad".

Payola was rampant in many different occupations from Washington DC to the corner grocery store for protection many years ago before strict laws against it. Does it still go on, yep it does. Do some doctors get "kickbacks"? Maybe so. But, it's up to you personally to make the decision to use that doctor or not if you suspect he is being shady. It's as simple as that. Because one does it doesn't mean all the others do it too. So, stay away from the shady and crooked doctors. Why are we discussing this?

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