Saturday, 4 July 2009

Testimonial: A 55 year old granny who enjoys not looking like one

I have been doing the No Excuses Workout and the Intervals for about fifteen months now, and one day I was walking across Main Street in our town, and somebody whistled! No one else was nearby, so they must have meant me, but my first thought was, “They are just joking. Nobody whistles at fifty-five-year-old grandmothers. Maybe they were being sarcastic.” Then I realized that I certainly don’t look bad enough for anyone to be being sarcastic. Maybe they honestly thought I looked good!
I can see in the mirror that the “saddlebags” that used to hang from the sides of my hips are gone, my abs are tight, and my shape is smooth and muscular, way too young for many women my age.

I haven’t lost much weight (my doc says my weight is OK), but I sure do look and feel different! Jonathan, your way really works. Thank you. I hadn’t been whistled at in years. I have had seven children, but with exercise, you don't have to look like it. Zann - a 55 year old granny who enjoys not looking like one.

Jonathan here: Zann is the primary example of what I meant in my post titled Be a Rock Star Grandparent! I love this story and I am impressed that Zann (with 7 kids and with grandchildren) has experienced such positive changes in her body and health. Congratulations Zann - You are definitely a Rock Star Grandparent!

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