Thursday, 16 July 2009

Might have to go on insulin

>My name is Christie I am 36 years old and have been struggling with type 2 diabetes for 4 years. Now I am at the point where I might have to go on insulin. I am joining this group to maybe get a little advise..some friendly support and maybe acquire some friends who understand what I am going through along the way.<

Hi Christie, and welcome. I have no idea what specifically is going on with you or what kind of struggles you're having (although all of us have some idea, since most of us are in the same boat right along with you), but... please think about getting a second opinion about your current diabetes care from a doc who knows what he or she is talking about-- this would be an endocrinologist, or an internal medicine doc with a sub-specialty in diabetes (yes, you can ask about this when you call to inquire about an appointment). Look for board certification for these docs, too.

Generally speaking, these days there are lots of treatment options along the way for diabetics to try before jumping to having to take insulin-- beyond the metformin that most of us take, there are several kinds of oral hypoglycemic (glucose lowering) drugs, plus an injectable medication called Byetta (another brand is Symlin) that can help normalize glucose levels and might even aid in weight loss.
Meanwhile, if you have specific questions or concerns, fire away. This is a good group with lots of experience, so maybe we can help. Good luck, and I hope you'll let us know how you're doing.

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