Friday, 17 July 2009

Liver enzymes were 100 over what they should have been

>Been lurking here. Just diagnosed end of June. Have just been reading and trying to learn. Thank you to everyone here for all of the information you provide. I did post once and thank you for those responses. I've just really been overwhelmed by all of this and trying to figure it all out.<

I'm glad you're here, Dee. We certainly can't guide you in the right direction for all aspects of your care, but sometimes it helps just to know that others are in the same boat, struggling with the same issues,and that if there was light at the end of the tunnel for them, there will be for you, too.

>1st time I ever had blood work in over 14 years was end of May. Liver enzymes were 100 over what they should have been (they told me to fast 10 hrs which I did but I drank til 2am).<

14 years is a long time to go with no blood test screenings, especially as someone gets older, and especially if there's any family history of diabetes, and especially if there's drinking going on. I assume you're talking about drinking alcohol. Alcohol is metabolized by the body as a drug, not as a food, and it can mess up a diabetic's blood sugar levels big time, not to mention damage done on the cellular level throughout the body.

>A1c was 8.6. Now on 1000 mg metformin a day. Levels are up & down & all over the place.<

Good diabetes care thrives on regularity and predictability. Eat at about the same time every day, in roughly the same quantities, and don't binge, even mini-binge. Become a tea-totaler if you can. I have no idea if you're one of them, but some newly diagnosed type 2s do struggle at times with hypo(low)glycemia, especially in response to eating refined sugar-- half a bad of M&Ms, and suddenly it's 45 on the meter, and how in heck did I get here? Whereas maybe next week a half a bag of M&Ms might end up being 245 on the meter. In a case like this, the pancreas is simply wonky; it doesn't get its memos, and seems to have forgotten what it's supposed to do when the person eats high sugar stuff. So do your best to eat whole foods, as unrefined as possible, and forego the sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Also add exercise, roughly in the same amount and at the same time every day; that'll really help. Even a 10 minute walk in the AM and another in the PM will really make a difference. There is a learning curve as you said, Dee, definitely. But you'll reach your goals if you just stay the course.

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