Thursday, 2 July 2009

Insulin was Really The Best Option for Diabetic

I'm so sorry that I haven't responded to this before now. I never intended to disregard your message. I've been T2 for just under 15 years, and I've managed with insulin since the outset, as I had a fairly high A1c at diagnosis. However, though I'm not overweight and didn't have a dramatic onset to my diabetes, insulin was really the best option for me even starting out. I've used it in combination with a few oral meds in the past, but prefer an insulin-only regimen. I'm not that insulin resistant, but use quite a bit more than the average Type 1, though I'm still not struggling with weight.

I'm NOT a Type 1, though. I've been tested for the antibodies present in T1, and I've tested negative (one of my former endos thought it might be a good idea to do the test, since I don't look like the typical T2, but we T2s are a varied, individual lot), though I've heard that the longer you are from diagnosis, that can skew the results into being false-negative for the antibodies. However, I still believe that I'm T2, but I don't think that it would matter at this point since I've been managing with insulin for years anyway. I've read a LOT about this condition, I am very very good friends with a very slim, insulin-sensitive T1, and I've learned a great deal about diabetes overall from learning about my own condition *and* about hers. That's how I was aware of the differences in DP/DE versus Somogyi.

I'm 54 years old, divorced, with two lovely children. They've been very supportive in my journey with this condition, though they were both fairly young when I was diagnosed. I have a five-years-older sister who is also T2 but is controlling only with D&E. Though I hardly eat a high carb diet, I am very aware of how diligent T2s using D&E and even D&E with one or a combo of oral meds needs to be.

If you'd like to ask anything else, please feel free. :-) Oh, and thanks to everything I've learned and experienced with my friend, I've been giving the pump some serious consideration. Not sold on it yet, as I do fairly well with MDI and as much as I've experienced with my friend, I KNOW that actually wearing it and living it isn't something that I'll ever really understand without doing it. I do have some hesitations.

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