Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Glucose levels in American

>I have seen several posts with glucose levels in the 100s and up.My glucose meter mesaures in 10s.for me in the morning I should have lower then 7 and after dinner lower then 10 can someone please explaine the difference.Thanks.<

I assume you are not American. In the rest of the world, the meters express results in metric form or something, and ours don't. With a calculator, the numbers are easy to convert:
Take the American number and divide by 18 to get the rest of the world's equivalent.
Take the rest of the world's number and multiply by 18 to get the American equivalent.

American numbers are rounded up or down to the nearest whole number: 108.6 is rounded up to 109; 108.4 is rounded down to 108. The rest of the world's use decimals to the tenths place only, so 5.44 is 5.4, and 5.67 is 5.7.

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