Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Standard Methods of Managing Diabetes is The A1C Test

From what I understand the avg bloodglucose level for a non diabetic should be 70-130 which corresponds to the 4-6.0 A1c. anything over 6.0 would be considered Diabetic A1C Chart.

One of the standard methods of managing diabetes is the A1C test, also known as hemoglobin A1C or glycosylated hemoglobin. The A1C test shows the amount of glucose that sticks to the red blood cell, which is proportional to the amount of glucose in the blood. The following A1C chart translates your percentage to provide an estimate of your average blood glucose control over the course of two to three months of diabetes management.
If your A1C is this: Your average mean daily plasma blood sugar is around this:
% mg/dl mmol/l
12.0% 345 19.5
11.0% 310 17.5
10.0% 275 15.5
9.0% 240 13.5
8.0% 205 11.5
7.0% 170 9.5
6.0% 135 7.5
5.0% 100 5.5
4.0% 65 3.5

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