Thursday, 25 June 2009

A Simple Infection Would Kill You

Are you serious? Take a walk through any old graveyard and note the ages of death for folks before the age of modern medicine (that can be considered before the discovery of antibiotics (WWII) or in our case perhaps before insulin). Things were not better before processed foods, they were horribly worse. Every Type I diabetic died a horrible and young death, A simple infection would kill you. Countless folks died just from a case of diarrhea. As to nutrition and health, the research is still scant and often half-assed. This is partly true because the ties are weak, and partly true because there are no monied interests wanting to fund same. Lets say it was true the broccoli was the miracle cure for cancer (it's not, of course); who stands to make a fortune from that?

My great grandmother was just a few weeks shy of 100 when she passed away, and the majority of my relatives on both my Mom's and my Dad's side of the family all lived well into their 80's and 90's. It is only recently that we are seeing chronic health problems (not related to advanced old age), and a sudden appearance of autoimmune diseases. I agree about pasteurized milk and such being a great benefit, but I do think that certain additives and preservatives are not good, and I think refined foods are worse. And, if I had any doubts, they would have been put to rest by the college research I did over two semesters following Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and other major medical studies. That was an eye opener, even though I thought I had a good understanding of how nutrition affects disease beforehand. (Not so much!) I don't know the book or article being referenced, though. Or was it an article?

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