Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Diabetics: Vegetarian Recipes

Nearly any vegetable will be great. Try to avoid potatoes, corn, and all other vegetables which have lots of starch in them. Starch turns to sugar in your body and you then have problems just as though you had actually eaten a good amount of sugar.

When you are hunting vegetables, pick the ones with a lot of deep rich color. Green broccoli, red tomatoes, green spinach, and most other leafy vegetables are great. Avoid iceberg lettuce because it has very little food value. Buy the deep green lettuce.

If you are making a soup with them, dice up some nice steak or roast, bake it in the oven until it turns light brown. Put the meat into a pot with some water, a little salt, pepper, some garlic powder (or fresh). and a medium to large onion diced. Bring it to a slow boil and let it simmer for about 30-45 minutes. When the broccoli is just barely tender on the stem, it should be done. If you want a creamy soup, add about a cup of skim milk and let it simmer for about 10 minutes more.

After a while we all start craving something sweet. You can solve that by adding 6-10 packets of sweet and low, or 8-12 tsp. of Splenda. Test the sweetness of the soup after you add about half of the amount of sweetener. If it tastes slightly sweet, that is enough. This will help you to keep that strong craving for sugar from being so strong that you finally give in and eat a candy bar or more.

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