Saturday, 30 May 2009

Diabetes: Starting numbers higher

The IBS is derived from vegetables and has lachbacillus plantarum. You take one capsule daily. I normally buy Acidophilus Plus which has lactobacillus acidophilus and this one does contains glucose, the dose is 2 capsules per day although I generally only take one as I need. I get wind in the colon areas which is painful and these kind of tablets relieve it. I've also got a probiotic powder which I can drink in juice or water (dissolves better in juice). I don't take this regularly but if I get a bad attack I will have one a day for a few days.

I went to bed with 7.3 (131.4)and woke up with 6.8 (122.4) so that is an improvement, My best number yesterday was 5.4 (97.2) after walking the dog and before Dinner. 2 hours after breakfast it has been slightly lower each morning and I am not climbing too high after eating, that hasn't changed. My highest number was 7.8 at the 2 hours after eating which is still within the recommended normal numbers of 6-8 and this is generally my highest reading anyway. It had gone down to 7.3 by the time I went to bed.

I rarely get ill and it is possible my immune system is fighting an infection which is why I wondered if others had this happen to them.. I am keeping an eye on this because it isn't normal for me (the wind is I'm afraid) but I haven't any more faith in the medical profession than many of the members. My other check is my weight and this isn't going up, it is going down very very slightly each day (one night out and it goes back up and it takes me several days to get it back but overall I am losing some weight I have lost 2.5kg since Christmas. My weight is within the normal range for my height but at the very top end of it.).

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